Learn How To Use Code Snippets to Enhance Your WordPress Site

Only $15
Using Code Snippets to Enhance Your WordPress Website
Special Report
This special report has over 3,300 words and is designed to teach you 4 ways to add code snippets to your WordPress site.
List of WordPress Code Snippets You Can Use Today
List of code snippets that can be used on any WordPress site.
Over 20 Screenshots
Use these screenshots to easily show your community how use code snippets.
Multiple Formats
Every how-to comes in PDF, DOCX, and TXT format to make it easy for you to customize, edit, and use.
Get it all for only $15
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You get an A+ from me!
I love this content! Is not your usual PLR that's telling you what you need to do. It's PLR showing EXACTLY how to do it, step by step. The content is easy to understand, with a good layout and the license terms is awesome too, because you can post it to your blog or give it away to build your list. I'm very impressed and I come across tons of PLR packages daily. I can so will utter certainty, BrandableTech's PLR content is a force to be reckoned with. You get an A+ from me!
Yasser Moosa // Internet Marketer
Why You Need This Bundle
Gone are the days where all it took was to throw some content on the web to attract search engines and drive traffic and sales. Today, a website cannot survive without fresh, relevant content delivered on a regular basis. Prospects and customers are constantly seeking answers to help them solve their problems. If you don’t provide it, they’ll find someone who does.
The problem with adding fresh content is that writing it is extremely time-consuming. It takes knowledge of the subject, hours to plan and write the content as well as great research skills, all things that most busy businesses owners simply don’t have time for.
But you don’t have to worry about that because we’ve got you covered.
Using Code Snippets to Enhance Your WordPress Website is perfect to use as opt-in gifts, as a bonus to tech clients, to use as live webinar or class, and even to add to your membership site. All you have to have to do is brand it as your own and you are ready to roll!
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